Thursday, June 7, 2007

Special Communiqué from the Baby!

Katie and I received a fax late Tuesday afternoon, apparently from the baby himself. He seems to have given us the go-ahead for our India plans, which is exciting. He also appears to be interested in a first birthday cake, which is a bit pushy, really.

Most strangely, however, he seems to have put a future photo of himself on the head of the baby in the image (see below). We can't quite determine his intent here, whether he was trying to scare us, or make some sort of joke.


  1. why does your baby look like a 40 year old man?

  2. congrats on the Liam's arrival!!!!!! I'm thrilled for all three of you!--love kak

  3. Congratulations! I am sure the real baby is so much cuter than that. Great name choice.

  4. That's a fairly impressive job with the Photoshoppin'. However, I will be crying myself to sleep for a few nights.
