Wednesday, June 18, 2008

5 months of pregnancy in 18 seconds.

This version of the Pregnancy video is MUCH better:

Liam's First Year

Liam Kiran Waring completed his first solar orbit of life outside mommy on June 11th of 2008. Here are the photos from that circular journey.

Liam at 10 oz.

Since we couldn't actually photograph him inside Katie, we used a natural stand in - jars of red curry and tomato paste.

Liam at 2 pounds.

A familiar stand in. If we only knew at the time how closely he would resemble a ball of butter.

Liam on day 1, less than 24 hrs old.

Cigars courtesy of the Daloz/Walsh bonanza.

One month.

In the Martinez Hills his parents called home for 3 years. Notice the "where the hell am I?" expression.

Two months.

Totally at peace, ~800 feet over the gorgeous Waterton Lake, Alberta, CA.

Three months.

Hong Kong airport. What more can be said? Ramen baby?

Four Months.

Indian Police registration photos. Note the drool on chin.

Five Months.

On a Tamil Kolam outside of Shelton Cottage. This is significant because he is holding his head up long enough for a photo.

Six Months.

Christmas in Kodaikanal. Sitting up on his own - but not for long.

Seven Months.

The hood ornament for our Vundi (Tamil for vehicle).

Eight Months.

At the Madurai Meenakshi Temple. Note the juxtaposition of ancient and young.

Nine Months.

With Veera-Ma and Koopa-Ma, the two seventy-somethings who achingly amble around Kodai selling mushrooms and raspberries. They are frequent visitors. Notice the relative size of the heads of those photographed.

Ten Months.

All seriousness. How debonair.

Eleven Months.

On a vegetable shopping trip with mommy. Being his usual self.

Twelve Months.

On a bicycle in Kyoto, Japan. He *adores* bikes.