Sunday, October 19, 2008


We love wildlife of all sorts.
Okay, so ticks aren't very cool, and neither are mosquitoes, but leeches are kind of fun to be hard-core about. Gross, but that's really it. No big disease problems with leeches, you know? Well, last weekend we had our tolerances tested yet again. This time the wild came to get us. An infestation of insects that apparently came in through the bathroom and caught Liam while he was sleeping.

Our more knowledgeable friends say that they are flesh-eating homoptera.

We were thankful they didn't eat too much of Liam's flesh. He seems to be in good health now, though, thankfully.


  1. Hey there! I can't tell if Tim went out and bought fake cicadas and covered Liam or if this is for REAL!? And if it is, how long did you photograph him before removing them? :) I love you guys!

  2. today i took a ten week old golden retreiver puppy for a walk, and afterwards he fell asleep - just like liam, with his paws up and his legs open like a frog. high-lairious. also - the empty cicada shells - pure brilliance. love to you all!

  3. Ok, so I am ashamed to say that I reacted with sheer disgust and grossed out girliness when I saw that picture. Sarah's calmness helped me realize that it was indeed fake. Thee got me, Tim (I'm assuming it was thee..)! I wonder what Granny would say!? :)

  4. You guys are spectacular! Who else would cover their baby with bugs? I love it.
