Saturday, February 1, 2014

Winter fun (even if the snow ain't great)

Skiing, just the two of us:

Visiting ice fishermen on Fields Pond with our friends, the Sodebergs:
Feeling good:
The orange flag flips up when there's a fish on the line, And all of the holes seemed to be drilled by gas-powered augurs:
Bait run (this fellow was super generous about letting the kids help with everything):
You can tell from the body language of our almost-vegetarian son that a lot of psychic energy went into watching the live bait be picked out and hooked, but he managed well:
In other news, we have been enjoying fragrant paper white flowers, thanks to our friend Mariel. They seem to be happy in the old family silver goblets, which are also happy to have finally found a use:
And some Nerf gun fun:

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